There are number of methods from which intruders can gain access to your personal information. In the very first post of my blog i'm going to explain how to be safe online.
1. Brute Force:- In this the very possible combinations of numbers, letters and all the special characters until the match is found. This method takes time to guess the correct match depending upon the complexity of the password.
Antitoxin:- Use complex passwords. Use mixture of Alphabets, numbers and special characters to make the password difficult to guess by the tools. Passwords like '123456789' or 'password' can be easily guessed by them. Use password like 'aeroSPACE#908' instead of using simple passwords.
2.Social Engineering:- It is the technique of managing someone to trust you and get the information from them without letting them know. Sometimes intruders being the bank's worker call the victim and ask for their credit card details or some other information related to their accounts. This method is used to get someone's password from them.
Antitoxin:- If you receive any call and asking your personal details or other confidential details, don't respond them exactly and ask them few questions. Make sure the personnel asking you details is authorized or bonafide.
Be safe while browsing the internet as it is full of malwares and spywares.
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